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50Pros Agency Application

50Pros is a vetted and curated platform to discover agencies

After you submit this application, there is no further action required on your end. Our team will begin a 2-week review & vetting process. If accepted, we manage & operate your listing and feature you.

If you have not already, review our fees and general information
25 minutes to complete
Step 1/5
Step 1/5
Let's get started
Although we do not ask for confidential information, we require senior-level management or leadership to complete this form
Step 1/5
Great! Let's talk about your firm
Note the information you enter here may be public and used as part of your listing if you get accepted
Step 1/5
Tell us more
This information may be shared with prospective clients that are interested in your services
Step 1/5
Service Categories
Help us understand how we should think about and categorize your services in order to best showcase you 50Pros

Use this link for guidance (opens new tab)
Step 1/5
Nearly there!
Let's cover some quick formalities to ensure we can represent you with confidence
Step 1/5
Click "Submit" below
After you submit, you will be redirected to submit the 10% deposit for your annual fee.

Click here to view our fees (opens new tab).

We only evaluate firms that submit the 10% deposit which acts as your commitment to proceed, and successful payment will finalize your application.

Allow 2 weeks for review.
You will be notified by email if you were accepted or not.
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