Updated Q1 2024

The category structure on 50Pros has improved and is now organized in a three-level taxonomy structure.

Level 1 contains just 8 keywords which serve as the general umbrella categories. Level 1 keywords do not appear in any listing, but can be viewed in the "All Categories" page.
Example: "Sales, Marketing, and Growth"

Level 2 contains about 150 keywords which serve as the main categories on 50Pros. Level 2 keywords appear in your listing in orange-colored tags. The Level 2 categories are also the badge awards that are provided.
Example: "Paid Advertising"

Level 3 contains about 700 keywords (and growing) which serve as more specific and granular subsets to the Level 2 keywords and appear in your listing in yellow-colored tags.
Example: "TikTok ads"

You can view all Level 2s and Level 3s below.

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