Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is 50Pros?

50Pros is a listing of the top 50 firms within 50 categories for companies to discover & hire.

Categories include: public relations, SEO, management consulting, advertising, call centers, video production, and many more!

Can I use it if I'm not a Fortune 1,000 company?

Since 50Pros is an open & public platform, anyone can access and browse 50Pros.

However, our "white glove" match-making service is available exclusively to the Fortune 1,000 companies.

Does it cost anything to use?

No - it's entirely free!

We only make our money through annual membership fees that firms/agencies pay to be listed (no ads & no paid placement!)

How does it work?

If you are looking for an agency or firm to partner with, outsource to, etc. etc. you can browse any category to find the perfect agency for any upcoming initiative, project, or task.

Click an agency "card" and you will be redirected to their personal website to learn more information & get started.

Alternatively, if you are in the Fortune 1,000, you can Start a Request and someone from our team will review your objectives and connect you with the best firms based on your goals.

Who gets featured on 50Pros?

Our commitment is to provide a high quality & curated directory on 50Pros of only the best firms.

We use an internal methodology & approach to determine if a firm is 1) competent in their field; 2) able to produce results; 3) reliable & trustworthy; and 4) well-equipped for long-term potential.

What if I'm looking for a different category not listed on 50Pros?

Unfortunately, our service extends to those 50 categories we have listed in our directory.

If your company is looking for an agency to hire on an upcoming initiative, project, or task that is not listed on 50Pros, we recommend contacting us, as our team may still be able to assist or point you in the right direction.

How do I hire or work with a firm?

There is no on-site messaging or accounts on 50Pros, as our goal is to curate the best agencies and "quarterback" them to you. Thus, if you are interested in getting in touch with a firm, simply visit their website directly by clicking their listing.

Do you sell or share data?

No, we never sell nor share data!

All communication, unless mentioned otherwise, is fully confidential, secure, and private.

Have another question? Email us!

Why the best companies in the world choose 50Pros to find firms

Only the best agencies

Each agency on 50Pros is vetted so you can trust who you hire with confidence

150+ in-demand categories

From PR to SEO to AI, we have the best teams for any project you have

Easy & fast start

Links go to homepages, so you can directly contact a firm (no signup)

Full support

Our friendly team is at your service Monday - Friday, 9AM-9PM EST

Unbiased lists

Each directory is randomized on each refresh (no pay-to-rank-higher)

And much more

More than a directory, we are committed to the future of work